Monday, January 31, 2011

Getting on the plane...

Well, the day has finally come when we get on the plane to head out of the country.  Lyle is already gone and the game of hurry up and wait has begun.   Right now everyone is sitting around watching a movie.  All I want is a nap.  I understand the Army's game of being ready on time and what not...but this is out of control.  I'm so bored but I don't want to use any of my electronic devices because I want to save the batteries for the exceptionallly long plane flight.  Once we get to the airport I think I might pull my iPad out if there is a charger nearby so I can have all the precious battery life I can.  I'm going to miss everyone and I'll be contacting people on Facebook as soon as I can.  Mimi has our address and if you don't have access to Mimi, just email me or send me a facebook message.  See ya'll in a few months! 

Friday, January 7, 2011

Happy New Year!!!

So it begins here:  Lyle and I are at Fort Hood getting ready to go on yet another adventure in the big sandbox overseas.  This time we're travelling together and I cannot wait to see how much fun this is going to be.  On one hand, at least we're not going to be seperated for a year.  On the other hand, we've never had to live together in such a confined space before.  I don't know how small the room is going to be there, I just know it will be small.  In the meantime, I've taken Kimmie's advice and started a blog to keep anyone who is interested up to date on what's going on in our world!  Life is short!  Enjoy!